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  • DateSaturday 7 October
  • Time10:30am
  • AddressWill be sent to attendees
  • RegistrationLink

Members of the Drill Hall Gallery are invited for a day trip to the Southern Highlands. Transport is arranged independently and the group will meet at three meeting points. Lucy can assist with arranging carpooling and drivers from the ACT only.

The first meeting point will be the studio of Toni Warburton. We will then meet at Hearth by Moonacres, for a Farm to Table lunch. The final meeting point will be Ngununggula Regional Gallery, Retford Park Southern Highlands to visit the exhibition Occurent Affair from the Proppa Now artist collective.

Toni Warburton

Toni Warburton is a visual artist, ceramist, writer and educator who lives and works between Sydney and the South Coast of New South Wales. She currently works from her studio at Sharawadgi Hall at Sutton Forest in the NSW Southern Highlands.

In her work, Warburton engages with a range of media, situations and sites to explore ideas that predominantly engage with place and social relations around how human processes interact with and impact on natural eco systems.

Warburton has work in the exhibition JARDINIÈRE: Ruth Waller and Toni Warburton at the Drill Hall Gallery from 1 September to 22 October.

Ngununggula Regional Gallery

OCCURRENT AFFAIR is a major exhibition featuring new and recent works by Brisbane-established Aboriginal artist collective proppaNOW. Established in 2003, proppaNOW is one of Australia’s leading cultural collectives, exploring the politics of Aboriginal art and culture, and provoking, subverting and re- thinking what it means to be a ‘contemporary Aboriginal artist’.

Conceived as a collaborative activist gesture, OCCURRENT AFFAIR will address current socio-political, economic and environmental issues, while celebrating the strength, resilience and continuity of Aboriginal culture. Engaging wordplay through its title, OCCURRENT AFFAIR references the sensational journalistic style of some television current affair programs. OCCURRENT AFFAIR embraces the slippage between language and its associated readings to probe and present new narratives. The exhibition will reflect on the ongoing state of affairs affecting Aboriginal communities – issues that are relevant to all Australians.

Exhibiting artists include Gordon Hookey, Tony Albert, Jennifer Herd, Megan Cope, Richard Bell, Vernon Ah Kee, and Laurie Nilsen

An exhibition from The University of Queensland Art Museum touring with Museums & Galleries of NSW. This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body. This project is assisted by the Australian Government’s Visions of Australia program.

Register your interest here. Full itinerary and addresses to be emailed to attendees closer to the date.

Image: Toni Warburton, Oyster catcher vase, 2022, glazed raku clay. Private collection. David Patterson.

Bookings are essential

The Drill Hall Gallery acknowledges the Ngunnawal and Ngambri peoples, the traditional custodians of the Canberra region, and recognises their continuous connection to culture, community and Country.



